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Upper Cervical Illustrations
(Head/Neck Misalignment)”

Illustration No. 0005-C

The head and a bowling ball weigh about the same, therefore, it is essential that the weight of the head stay perfectly balanced on the top of the neck.

This 24″ x 36″ color illustration depicts the relationship between the head and neck and explains how body imbalance can affect one’s health.

Click on image to enlarge.

Upper Cervical Illustrations
(Head/Neck Misalignment)”

Illustration No. 0010-C

Shows Head/Neck Misalignment which can disrupt or distort the normal transmission of brain healing messages to the body. This leads to the development of acute and chronic health problems.

This 24″ x 36″ color illustration depicts the relationship between the head and neck and explains how body imbalance can affect one’s health.

Click on image to enlarge.

Upper Cervical Illustrations
Illustration No. 0015-C

Head/Neck misalignment leads to the development of pain and sickness … Head/Neck alignment promotes wellness and a better quality of life.

This 24″ x 36″ color illustration depicts the relationship between the head and neck with ‘before and after” visuals and labels that demonstrate body imbalance (misalignment) and body balance (alignment).

Click on image to enlarge.

Upper Cervical Illustrations
(Head/Neck Alignment)”

Illustration No. 0020-C

When body balance is restored and spinal cord compression is removed, immediately the brain is able to communicate with the affected area of the body and the natural self-healing process begins.

This 24″ x 36″ color illustration depicts the alignment of head and neck using  visuals with labels that demonstrate body balance (alignment) and shows how Head/Neck Alignment “fixes the problem.”

Click on image to enlarge.

Upper Cervical Illustrations
Illustration No. 0025-C

Head/Neck misalignment can disrupt or distort brain to body communication. This leads to the development of numerous acute and chronic health problems.

This 24″ x 36″ color illustration depicts the body imbalance, body balance as “sickness” and “health” states and reinforces the message that the Upper Cervical Corrective Procedure is designed to restore the body’s natural ability to regain and maintain optimal health.

Click on image to enlarge.

Upper Cervical Illustrations
Illustration No. 0030-C

When the head is shifted off the center of the top of the neck and held in that position by the muscles of the neck, it can prevent brain health and healing messages from getting through to the body.

This 24″ x 36″ color illustration depicts the muscles of the neck holding the Head/Neck in a misaligned position causing spinal cord compression at the point where the head and neck join.

Click on image to enlarge.

Upper Cervical Illustrations
Illustration No. 0040-C

When the head (10-14 lbs) is shifted off the center of the top of the neck, the rest of the body will compensate for the shift of weight.  .

This 24″ x 36″ color illustration depicts how the entire body compensates when there is head/neck misalignment. One shoulder will drop down, one hip is pulled up and the spine will twist causing some muscles to stretch and others to contract as the body compensates to the shift of the weight of the head from the center of the top of the neck.

Click on image to enlarge.

Upper Cervical Illustrations
Illustration No. 0050-C

Depicts four Illustrations side by side A perfect addition for the Adjusting Room, X-ray Room, or Rest & Relaxation Room. Simplifies and reduces the time required to effectively answer patients questions about the causal effects of body imbalance.

This 24″ x 36″ color illustration depicts structural misalignment and spinal cord compression, the related postural distortions from misalignment and body balance example showing a ‘cured’ state.

Click on image to enlarge.

Upper Cervical Illustrations
Illustration No. 0060-C

Depicts four Illustrations side by side Designed to hang side by side with illustration No. 0070-C. Together or separately, these two illustrations remind patients and reinforces the concepts of what they learned during their “Report of Findings” discussion with the doctor.

This 24″ x 36″ color illustration depicts structural misalignment and spinal cord compression, the related postural distortions from misalignment and body balance example showing a ‘cured’ state.

Click on image to enlarge.

Upper Cervical Illustrations
Illustration No. 0070-C

Along with illustration No. 0060-C, these two Illustrations together, remind patients and reinforces the concepts of what they learned during their “Report of Findings” discussion with the doctor.

This 24″ x 36″ color illustration depicts structural misalignment and highlights eight difference indicators the doctor can inspect for determining misalignment and postural distortion.

Click on image to enlarge.

Upper Cervical Illustrations
Illustration No. 0075-C

When brain health and healing messages CANNOT flow to all parts of the body due to interference at the point where the head/neck join, you may expect health problems to develop.

This 24″ x 36″ color illustration depicts the states of sickness and health, where body imbalance is present (head/neck misalignment) and where head/neck alignment is restored.

Click on image to enlarge.

Upper Cervical Illustrations
Illustration No. 0080-C

Displays a list of different health problems that have responded to the Upper Cervical Head/Neck Misalignment Correction.

This 24″ x 36″ color illustration depicts the state of misalignment and alignment (body imbalance and body balance) in the center of the poster, flanked on both sides with a list of some of the many health problems that Upper Cervical Chiropractic has shown to help.

Great for display in the office. Formerly used in small format as an insert to our brochures, this illustration helps drive home the message of how effective Upper Cervical Chiropractic is for maintaining good health.

Click on image to enlarge.

Upper Cervical Illustrations
Illustration No. 0085-C

Depicts five illustrations side by side A clear and concise way to show the progression of misalignment, and the post correction progression of healing with explanations of each phase, including the importance of regular, periodic checkups to help maintain head and neck alignment.

This 24″ x 36″ color illustration explains learly and simply what occurs at each phase and how the body reacts at each point. A very helpful reminder of the “how” and “why” of Upper Cervical health care.

Click on image to enlarge.


Upper Cervical Illustrations

“New Patient Guide Booklet (Upper Cervical Chiropractic Health Care)”
Item No. 0094 Standard Size (8.5″ x 11″)
100 – $3.25 ea.
200 – $3.00 ea.
400 – $2.75 ea.

Have patients read the booklet before presenting your Report of Findings to help them better understand your report… Include a copy with the Report of Findings.

Click on image to view contents.

Upper Cervical Illustrations

“New Patient Guide Booklet (Upper Cervical Chiropractic Health Care)”
Item No. 0095 Pocket Size (5.5″ x 8.5″)
100 – $2.50 ea.
200 – $2.25 ea.
400 – $1.85 ea.

Smaller take home version of 0094 so patients can share with their families their correction experience.

Click on image to view contents.

Upper Cervical Illustrations

“The Upper Cervical Doctor’s Objective”
Item No. 0096 (5.5″ x 8.5″)
100 – $2.50 ea.
200 – $2.00 ea.
400 – $1.85 ea.

Designed to give to patients on their 3rd or 4th visit. It will help them understand what the doctor does and why he does it, and how it helps the body regain its self-healing ability.

Click on image to view contents.

Painless Solutions for Natural Healing

“Painless solutions for natural healing”
Item No. 0097 (5.5″ x 8.5″)
100 – $2.50 ea.
200 – $2.25 ea.
400 – $1.85 ea.

Great take home or marketing piece for new patients. Explains in layman’s terms how Upper Cervical corrections work to restore body balance, and features a useful reminder how to protect and maintain their alignment post correction.

Click on image to view contents.



Upper Cervical Illustrations

“Inside: A simple and logical explanation”
Item No. 003 (Tri-fold Brochure)
Useful for waiting room reading, to send home with patients or use for mailings. This full color tri-fold brochure is sold shrink-wrapped in quantities of 100, 200, 400, 600, and 800.

Provides a simple explanation of how Upper Cervical Chiropractic care restores and maintains body balance, so that the body can naturally heal itself.

Back fold page has a space provided for doctors to attach a business card, or stamp with the address and contact information.

Click on image to enlarge.

Upper Cervical Tri-fold Brochure
“Your first Upper Cervical Chiropractic treatment”
Item No. 004 (Tri-fold Brochure)
A friendly and informative summary for new patients. Useful for waiting room reading, or for mailings. This full color tri-fold brochure is sold shrink-wrapped in quantities of 100, 200, 400, 600, and 800.

Offers a simple explanation for new patients, “what to know about Upper Cervical Chiropractic” and provides a simple explanation of how Upper Cervical Chiropractic care restores and maintains body balance, so that the body can naturally heal itself. Introduces the concept of body balance and body imbalance and includes answers to the 3 most asked new patient questions.

Click on image to enlarge.



Upper Cervical Slide Show
“Patient Education Slide Show”
Media key ring No. 0099 (continuous play slide show)

An effortless and effective patient education tool. USB (2.0) thumb drive plays on a computer or television monitor. No need for additional software, just set your device for continuous or repeat play. Plays 40 slides – about 8 minutes in duration, and repeats in continuous mode. Comes attached to a key ring for easy handling.

Great for

  • Reception Room, Rest & Recovery Room … play in continuous mode.
  • During the Report of Findings … pause and discuss at key slides to illustrate your findings and reinforce your correction plan.
  • Patient Family Education … give to a patient with the “Report of Findings” to share with family and friends.
  • Public Education Seminars and Events… pause and discuss at key slides to explain the benefits of Upper Cervical, gift copies at events; or use in mailings

Click on image for preview slides.